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Updated 2024-05-17 09:15
Questions for Videochat January 2020
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans on 5:00pm UTC on January 5th at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. Freeman's Mind will either be shortly before or after this, don't know yet!
In a rush, have to head out and am posting video before Youtube's processed it, should appear before too long. Have a good Christmas!
Serious Giveaway
GOG recently reached out to me to offer to give some games away on a stream as a way to promote their winter sale. I usually try to give you guys free games when convenient, so I accepted. As for the stream, I thought I would use this an excuse to attempt a "stunt stream" where I'll see if I can beat the last level of Serious Sam: The Second Encounter on serious difficulty using only one life. At the end of it, I'll giveaway games to people in the stream. There will be 20 games total (10 game, 2 copies each). They gave me a list to pick some out from, so I tried to guess and pick the ones I thought fans would most want to play. This will be happening at 5PM UTC on December 26th on twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. If you only want to show up for the games, I don't know when that will be, but it will probably take me at least an hour to get through the level, if I can do it. Christmas episode will be out before then!
Interview from The Great Berate
I meant to post this a couple days ago, Youtuber The Great Berate reached out to me wanting to interview me about various topics. It's largely stuff I've covered in the other videos before, so there's no secret info in this or anything (that I remember), but I'm posting it here if anyone's interested. This was recorded before I got sick, still going in and out of that, but Christmas video is coming!
Videochat December 2019
Here's the December videochat. I talk about COPPA and Half-Life Alyx towards the beginning. I was right at the beginning of being sick when I made this, I'm more sick at the moment now, in a half-stupor. The rest of this was sort of a blur to me, though I remember talking about things. Freeman's Mind and Christmas episode coming this month!
Questions for Videochat December 2019
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans on 5:00pm UTC on December 7th at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. I'll talk about Half-Life Alyx and COPPA then also. Freeman's Mind still coming!
Happy Thanksgiving! This is the first Thanksgiving video I've made. This is honestly an episode I thought would be shorter than it was, since there's not a lot to the game, but it mystified me, so here it is. Freeman's Mind still coming!
Videochat November 2019
November chat with fans, the first one with the chat viewable! This one I felt like I rambled extra hard, so nothing too important in here. I did this still recovering a bit from the Halloween crunch, so it was a bit of a mess. Ended up getting triggered by Linux towards the end.
Enjoy the 2nd half of the Halloween episodes! This one is age restricted for pretty much every reason you can think of, there was no avoiding it. This turned into the longest RGD episode I've made, but I feel like few games are as worthy of the show as this one and is one I wanted to cover ever since I started the series. Feel free to spread the link to it, since because of the age restriction, it's inevitable it won't get as much traffic as a normal Youtube video, so I'll have to rely on word of mouth more. I almost didn't make it in time, again! Have a happy Halloween!
Questions for Videochat November 2019
This is much more last minute than I intended, but ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans on 5:00pm UTC on November 3rd at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. Should be another Halloween video out before then! Also, there will be another Castlevania streaming the day before on November 2nd at the same time.
Here's the main Halloween episode, though there's one coming up right behind it! I still have a lot of editing left on that one, so no time to say more. For now, enjoy!
Videochat October 2019
October rambling! Going to have stuff for Halloween + hopefully more FM2 this month! Also Castlevania streaming. Discussed games + world collapsing a little bit in the chat.
Here's the latest Freeman's Mind! Much more of a delay on this one than I wanted, but I hope to have more FM out this month, along with something else for Halloween. This episode is shorter than the FM2 average, but it's about normal for FM1. I don't usually have a set length in mind, I just go until there are semi-natural stopping points in the game and build it around that. There's definitely some longer ones coming up after this.
Questions for Videochat October 2019
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans on 5:00pm UTC on October 5th at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. Hope to have a new Freeman's Mind out before then!
Dead Game News: France vs. Valve + maybe the rest of the world
Dead Game News! I wasn't even sure about making more of these, but this news was so big and there was so much to talk about here, I felt like I had to. I plan to make a followup video to the "Games as a service is fraud" video also, which this overlaps a bit with, but there was so much here I thought it was enough for a video in itself. It's worth mentioning this did NOT delay the next Freeman's Mind episode, the dialogue on that is done, I'm waiting for sound effects back on those, my guess is that will be out pretty soon. More videos coming!
Videochat September 2019
Here's the September videochat with fans. I was low on sleep during this one since I was still recovering from finishing the Trackmania episode. This one was more of a blur to me, so the rambling ratio is probably worse than usual. Nothing too important here, just that Freeman's Mind is going to be the priority for a while and I'll slowly figure out everything else hopefully.
Here is the latest Game Dungeon! I thought this was going to be a shorter episode, but I ended up having multiple discoveries that made it balloon into what you'll see here. This is easily the most pro-desert video I've done or likely will do. Contains a bonus scandal!
Questions for Videochat September 2019
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans on 5:00pm UTC on September 1st at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. Should have a new video out before then!
Videochat August 2019
Here's the August videochat with fans. This went on a lot longer than I anticipated, but had a good discussion, lots of good questions and topics this time. There's also a bunch of links to things discussed in the video in the video description.
Questions for Videochat August 2019
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans on 5:00pm UTC on August 3rd at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. I'll talk more about the game list then too.
Behold, the list! I've been wanting to make this for at least a year, but since I'm not a web programmer, I had to get the right help and everything to fall in place before it was finally able to happen. I'm quite excited about this, I find it impossible to be completely negative about gaming with this list. While everyone's tastes are different, hope yours overlap with mine enough to get some use of it!
Videochat July 2019
Here's the latest videochat with fans. Just minor announcements about future videos and the usual questions. Next video I think some people will appreciate!
Questions for Videochat July 2019
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans on 5:00pm UTC on July 7th at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. Also, there will be a playsession with fans of Fortress Forever on Saturday, July 6th on twitch.tv/rossbroadcast also. I'll post more details on that a little later. EDIT: After downloading Fortress Forever, you should be able to connect to the following: server: AF Server password: puppy I'll be joining on July 6th at 5pm UTC.
The Game Dungeon returns again! I never meant for there to be this large a gap between episodes, but here it is regardless. I have mixed feelings about this episode since I feel as though I should have edited more out of it, but there are special circumstances surrounding this one, as you'll find out.
Team Fortress Classic game instructions
I'll be having a playsession with fans playing Team Fortress Classic. The instructions are pretty simple. Launch the game in Steam, click "Find Server." Server name: AF Server Password: puppy I plan to primarily be playing "push" maps. The main ones I want to run are dustbowl and warpath, though we could also do avanti and hunted if people are interested. If you've never played TFC before, that's no problem. I recommend playing soldier or heavy weapons guy if you're unfamiliar with the game. The great thing about push-style maps is even if you don't know any of the objectives, if you're just moving in the same direction everyone else is and attacking the enemy, you're still helping the team. The game should be easy to run, but running it in widescreen takes more work. I'm playing TFC over TF2 since I was never crazy about the Pixar-style of TF2, plus I prefer how respawning is instant, so there's no downtime waiting to come back into the game. You'll be able to view the game live tomorrow on June 22nd at 5PM UTC on twitch.tv/rossbroadcast.
Freeman's Mind returns, again! I never meant for there to be this long a delay between this episode and the last one. If I had never made the "Games as a service" video, there would have been more out by now, but that felt like a necessary detour for me. There will still be more developments on that later, but I felt like getting the larger issue made more public was a more time-sensitive thing for me. I ran into new errors I've never seen before in Source in this episode; I'm hoping they go away after this one. It's a reminder why I don't plan on doing anything else besides FM2 in the Source engine. This episode I think is the second-longest one also, just by coincidence. There's also something that happens in the episode that wasn't planned at all, but it was a great addition, so I left it in. Ross's Game Dungeon is coming up next, then more Freeman and other videos!
Videochat June 2019
June videochat with fans. Mostly casual questions, got to discuss a few dream game ideas, usual rambling. More Freeman's Mind and Ross's Game Dungeon coming soon, I swear!
Questions for Videochat June 2019
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans on 5:00pm UTC on June 1st at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. I realize there's been a lot of delays, but more Freeman's Mind and Game Dungeon coming, I promise!
Videochat May 2019
May videochat with fans. Had some followup commentary on the Games as a service video, and several good questions afterward. More normal videos coming!
Legal analysis roundup (for USA)
Since I've made the "Games as a Service" video, several US attorneys have weighed in on the legal portions of my video. There's not a total consensus and in some cases there was minor misunderstanding, but the conclusions all point in the same direction: GAAS is either not fraud or else extremely difficult to prove it's fraud. Furthermore, even if it was established as fraud, it would be on such a minor level under the law, that it may not even carry a penalty. Barring new information, I'm leaning towards declaring the USA a lost cause on this manner and focusing on countries with stronger consumer protection laws. Anyway, here's a list of the legal analyses, and some additional appearances I had in responding. I recommend not watching these unless you're bored or doing something else as most are quite long: "YouTuber Law" video analysis I think this is the best one (also the 2nd shortest). He grasped my arguments well and gave a realistic look at the situation. Leonard French long video analysis A longer look at the laws in the video, I also had some audio appearances in this one where I asked more questions. Leonard French short video analysis A quick look at the laws in the video, he made some conclusions that weren't quite applicable, which prompted the longer analysis Hoeg Law video analysis I thought his legal portion was relatively good, though there was a small misinterpretation on the legal portion and a major misinterpretation on my stance. Hoeg Law audio discussion / debate I appeared with Hoeg Law to go over his rebuttal and debate was was said in the previous video. Discussed the larger issue also and not just the law in this one. Nick Rekieta Law discussion A more casual discussion, he takes a differing view than most other attorneys, but still comes to a similar conclusion, that working within the confines of existing law is unlikely to work in USA. We talk about various other things too. Anyway, sorry to flood the site with all this legal analysis, I swear that's not the long-term direction things are taking, more regular videos coming! ADHD version: Ross was right on some things, wrong on some things, doesn't matter for USA; the situation there is basically hopeless on legal protection against destroying games.
Questions for Videochat May 2019
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans on 5:00pm UTC on May 5th at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. This one may be longer than usual since the "games as a service" video made a pretty big splash, so I'm guessing there may be more questions on that.
"Games as a service" is fraud.
My ultimate video on "games as a service"! This video is more fact-heavy than the vast majority of ones I make, but it's on a topic that I think is the largest problem in gaming today. As you'll see in the video, this is my declaration of war on "games as a service." I've been meaning to make this video since at least last year, there's been a lot leading up to this. It's quite long and dryer than my usual stuff, you may want to watch it in chunks, or just skip straight to the ending. In the past, I've made "Dead Game News" videos as a way to shine a light on how bad the practice of destroying games is. That hasn't been enough to curtail the practice in any way whatsoever; on the contrary, the practice continues to accelerate. This video is essentially what "Dead Game News" was leading up to. I was hoping to raise enough awareness on the topic to take some sort of real action against it. Most of the video is a "deprogramming" of the industry narrative as to what "games as a service" is, similar to how you would try to treat a rescued cult member, hence the reason it's so long. The end goal of this video is to lead to some sort of legal action against the industry (details on that in the video). Now that I've learned enough about the topic to see that this could actually be possible, I think it's the only chance for saving many games in the future. I honestly have zero idea if this video will lead to real action being taken or if things will completely fizzle out. Either way, I felt compelled to make it, like it wasn't even in my control. This video is very much a "It's better to regret something you have done, than regret something you haven't done" situation. This did take time away from my other usual videos, my apologies about that, but it also served as an exorcism for me so that I don't have to keep obsessing on this topic in the future. It's in fate's hands now, I've done what I can, we'll just see what happens. Anyway, more fun videos are coming for the future, which is what I'd rather be making anyway!
Videochat April 2019
Here's the latest videochat with fans. I talk some about the next video coming up, plus answered questions as usual. The topics of AI learning, Stadia, and Watch Dogs came up. More videos coming this month!
Questions for Videochat April 2019
I've mostly recovered from being sick! Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans on 5:00pm UTC on April 7th at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. My sickness skewed production some, but I've got some big videos coming for April. This is just a detour, Freeman's Mind is still coming! Also, since the chats have been getting longer and longer, this time I'm trying something new and am only going to answer the top 20 voted questions. After that, I'll skip the others unless I think they're pretty good topics + ones from live chat to keep the length of these down a little bit.
Down with the sickness
Just a quick update, I've been sick with some sort of virus (probably flu) for the past week and a half. It's affected my voice and means all recording is currently suspended until I'm better. I have been working on supplemental material for the videos in the meantime, though going is slower since I'm still in an ongoing "blah" state. I'm also cancelling the playsession with fans this month on the 23rd. I'm anticipating I'll be good enough to do the videochat with fans in April, but I'll post an update if not. This will definitely delay the release of the next videos since I can't record yet, but may not impact the total time much for them all coming out since I'm still working on all of them. I have some neat stuff coming!
Videochat March 2019
Here's the March videochat with fans with the usual rambling. I genuinely thought this was going to be a shorter session, but had too many questions to go through. I think in the future I'll have a cutoff point for how many I accept just to cut down some on the time. I also think I may have screwed up and started it too early, but it went on so long I'm not sure that changed much. Things happening with other videos in the meantime!
Videochat March 2019
Here's the March videochat with fans with the usual rambling. I genuinely thought this was going to be a shorter session, but had too many questions to go through. I think in the future I'll have a cutoff point for how many I accept just to cut down some on the time. I also think I may have screwed up and started it too early, but it went on so long I'm not sure that changed much. Things happening with other videos in the meantime!
Questions for Videochat March 2019
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans on 5:00pm UTC on March 2nd at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. I'm currently having minor setbacks on FM that I'm getting modding help on, been working on other videos in the meantime.
Freeman's Mind 2 water hazard blooper
Here's another blooper that happened in Freeman's Mind 2, completely unplanned. This one happened multiple times, but this is one I recorded from the demos. In addition to this, I also would get caught on something upon leaving the boat, being completely unable to move, but I could at least fight that one with noclip. Not this.
Freeman's Mind 2 water hazard blooper
Here's another blooper that happened in Freeman's Mind 2, completely unplanned. This one happened multiple times, but this is one I recorded from the demos. In addition to this, I also would get caught on something upon leaving the boat, being completely unable to move, but I could at least fight that one with noclip. Not this. EDIT: Something weird is happening and the video isn't showing up here. Maybe it will resolve itself. Here's a link to it in the meantime.
Here's the next episode, late, but still faster than the last one! The boat created several issues for this one, but it ended up working well enough. One annoyance is when playing back a demo, the screen glitches out for a frame or two every single time Freeman enters or exits the boat, so that needs to be fixed in editing. There was also a more impressive bug I ran into which I'll post a blooper video of in a few days. This video was also my first attempt at outsourcing the volume balancing to someone else. I wasn't happy with the results, so I ended up doing it myself, which probably still isn't great, but is less not great than before. I plan to try again with volume balancing help for future videos until I hopefully find someone better at it than me. Next episode of FM2 is slowly underway!
Instructions to play Warcraft 3
For Saturday, I was going to attempt to play Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne with fans, since it recently got patched to support 24 people at a time. Unfortunately, if you own Warcraft 3, the process is rather convoluted. It used to be you installed the game, then installed the patch. Not anymore. I ran into so many problems trying to get the recent patch working, I almost thought I was going to have to cancel the event entirely. I found Blizzard's instructions to be utterly wrong and refer to links that simply didn't exist. I finally did figure out how to get it working, so if you own a copy of the game, the instructions are below. I can't promise they'll work for you, but this is what finally worked for me after MANY dead ends. This isn't an attempt to get people to buy the game, I just figured it was a popular game at the time and many people may still have a copy of it somewhere. Definitely don't go and buy the game just to play in this, it's possible it'll just be this one time I try a 24 person game of this, depends on how it goes. It should download automatically when we play, but if you want a head start, this is the map I was planning on us playing. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PEOPLE WHO OWN THE CD COPY: 1. Do NOT install Warcraft 3 from the CDs (It may not impact anything, but it certainly won't help). If you already have it installed this way, I advise uninstalling it and deleting the directory. 2. Download installer from here (it's for 1.30.2, but it will update). Best I can tell, Blizzard does not host the installer / patches anymore, a brilliant move. 3. Unzip the installer and run it with Windows XP compatibility mode on (right click on it, properties, compatibility tab). I couldn't get it to work properly without doing this. 4. Install the game. If it gives you trouble here, I may not have help for you aside from uninstalling it (if it lets you), deleting the directory it was installing to, and trying again. 5. After installing the game, don't launch it yet (you can if you want, but it will probably give you an error). Instead, go to your installed directory, make sure "Warcraft III.exe" is NOT in XP compatibility mode, then run it. 6. Enter in your CD keys for both Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos and Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne when prompted. 7. Launch the game, then click on Battle.net and create an account. Best I can tell, this is DIFFERENT from the Battle.net launcher used for Blizzard-Activition games like Overwatch, Hearthstone, etc., you'll need to create a new account entirely I think. So, yes, this is for battle.net, not battle.net. 8. After creating it, on the main menu, click on the magnifiying glass to change the gateway selection. Since fans will be playing globally, I'm thinking we'll try USA East as a compromise to have the lowest average ping for USA West and European players. 9. Join the stream at 5PM UTC on February 16th at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast so we can coordinate starting the game. You don't have to leave the stream running afterward if you don't want to. We'll wait a few minutes to let latecomers join in, but unfortunately people are locked out once the game starts. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PEOPLE WHO GOT A COPY WITH WARCRAFT 3 REFORGED: 1. Beats me, you're on your own. Steps 7 and onward are probably the same. Everyone else is welcome to watch at 5PM UTC on February 16th at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. EDIT: Blizzard's gaslighting me. Apparently they've restored the option to download the official clients here: https://us.battle.net/account/download/ That option was removed a week or two earlier. Here's the wayback machine link to prove I'm not crazy: http://web.archive.org/web/20181223085451/https://us.battle.net/account/download/ This doesn't affect the instructions at all, just wanted to add that.
Videochat February 2019
February videochat with fans. Usual ramblings, though I also talk about what Machinima did towards the beginning of the video. No videos being deleted here, more coming! Also, the audio quality was a little worse this time, oops.
Videochat February 2019
February videochat with fans. Usual ramblings, though I also talk about what Machinima did towards the beginning of the video. No videos being deleted here, more coming! Also, the audio quality was a little worse this time, oops.
Questions for Videochat February 2019
Ask questions or suggest topics in the link here on reddit to be talked on for the next videochat at 5:00pm UTC on February 3rd at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. Freeman's Mind is running late, but not hella late. I've also been working on misc. things that should lead to neat videos in the future. I've also been having some minor issues with the Source engine on the next episode, if you can believe that.
Questions for Videochat February 2019
Ask questions or suggest topics in the link here on Reddit to be talked on for the next videochat at 5:00pm UTC on February 3rd at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. Freeman's Mind is running late, but not hella late. I've also been working on misc. things that should lead to neat videos in the future. I've also been having some minor issues with the Source engine on the next episode, if you can believe that.
Questions for Videochat February 2019
Ask questions or suggest topics in the link here on Reddit to be talked on for the next videochat at 5:00pm UTC on February 3rd at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. Freeman's Mind is running late, but not hella late. I've also been working on misc. things that should lead to neat videos in the future. I've also been having some minor issues with the Source engine on the next episode, if you can believe that.
Questions for Videochat February 2019
Ask questions or suggest topics in the link here on Reddit to be talked on for the next videochat at 5:00pm UTC on February 3rd at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. Freeman's Mind is running late, but not hella late. I've also been working on misc. things that should lead to neat videos in the future. I've also been having some minor issues with the Source engine on the next episode, if you can believe that.
Info for UT2004 game
UPDATE: There's a map pack from last time to download below. You should still be able to connect without it, but it will be much faster loading with it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8edceso2tcpr4ct/AF_MapPack_17-9.7z?dl=0 Due to popular vote, Unreal Tournament 2004 will be the next game for the playsession with fans on Saturday, January 26th at 5PM UTC. Here's info on how to join: Main server: play.mulvenontech.com password: dog Overflow Server: play.mulvenontech.com:8877 password: dog You can join by pressing ~ key in-game and type: open play.mulvenontech.com We'll probably be doing onslaught. I was hoping for a bunch of custom winter maps, but I doubt I'll have time to hunt some down and have them tested. You can watch it live/hear me at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. I've been told I should have a separate voice on Discord going also for players in-game, I may or may not have that set up for myself in time, if I do, I'll update info here.
Freeman's Mind 2 canal blooper
This is just a small blooper that emerged in the last episode that made me throw out the whole take. Things like this can often happen, but it's usually not so dramatic. I decided to record this one and release it.